Water Electrolyzer Test Station ETS-1

Key features

  • User-Friendly manual operation with P&ID visualization or automated operation using in-house developed Python library
  • Ability to perform a wide range of tests, including JRC standard performance curve, H2 crossover, hydraulic curve, and many more

  • Streamlined standardization for rapid deployment


• Material and stack assembly research

• Efficient stack production

• Parameter testing of electrolysers under various conditions

• Testing of electrolysers according to JRC standards


DC source options with EIS:

±5 V / ±20 A, ±5 V / ±50 A, ±10 V / ±50 A, ±5 V / ±100 A, BioLogic ±3 V / ±80 A

Water flow rate control:

50…1500 ml/min

Cathode pressure (hydrogen):

up to 50 barg

Anode pressure (oxygen):

up to 10 barg

DC source options without EIS:

up to 60 V and 120 A

Water temperature control range:

30 °C…95 °C

Active cooling in Anode Circuit:

Inline heat exchanger

Width / height / depth:

970 mm / 1560 mm / 1330 mm

Weight without source:

298 kg